Emmet in ReactJS JavaScript JSX

Emmet in ReactJS JavaScript JSX

Learn how you can enable using Emmet in ReactJS JavaScript.

Follow the mentioned steps

  1. Open Visual Studio Code.

  2. Open Settings using the following commands,

    1. Mac: Command (⌘) + ,

    2. Windows: Ctrl + ,

  3. The settings page would look like this

  4. Make sure to head over to the Workspace tab,

  5. Now search for the "Emmet" option by typing in the emmet in the search field,

  6. Now search for the section: "Emmet: Include Languages" as shown in the picture,

  7. Here you can add a new item to tell emmet what are the areas you want it to work in, now click the Add Item button and type the following in and press the OK button

Congratulations 🎉 !!! Now you will be able to use emmet in JavaScript in React just like you do it in the HTML files.

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