Get YouTube API and build projects👾

Get YouTube API and build projects👾

Learn how you can generate YouTube's Data API v3 and use it in your projects.

Do you want to get YouTube Data API? Well, you're at the right place, I'll let you know how you can get and YouTube API key so that you can use it however you wish...

Step 1: Make a Google Developer Account🧾

To get access to YouTube's API you'll first need to make a Google Developer Account which is as easy as logging in to your Google Account, you can easily build one from here.

Step 2: Log In to Google Developer Console🎮

Go to this link, then log in with your Developer Account that you have just created.

Now that you're logged in to your Google Developer Console, you will see this screen after logging in.

After you log in, click on this button

After you click on that button, you'll have a dialog box open up like this,

Step 3: Create a new project🆕

On the dialogue box opened above, click on the "New Project" button and you will be taken to this page for the registration and creation of the new project,

Create the project and once you are into your new project, head over to the navbar and select the API & Services section, here you will see every detail regarding your project's API scenario, on that page you will see this button "Enable APIs and Services" click on it,

You will be taken to a new page, scroll down to find this option,

Select "YouTube Data API v3".

Step 4: Get your API key🔑

On selecting the option for "YouTube Data API v3", you will see an option of enabling the API, enable it.

After you enable it, you'll see this page,

On this page, select the option "Create Credentials", on selecting the option, you'll see this page,

Select the API and select the option "Public data" and click on Next, then you will be taken to the next step. Congratulations, you just got your new YouTube API.🎉

Now you should copy and keep your API safely and use it however you wish to, now that you have learned how to generate an API Google Developer Console, you can also manage and tinker with the details of the API on the console.

Step 5: Read the docs (Optional)

If you wish to use the API to its fullest potential, read the docs for YouTube Data API v3 here.

Happy Coding!👨‍💻